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week twenty-six
5. february 2024 - 11. february 2024
a lot happened...

...and we need to catch up. first of all thanks for coming on here again and reading what I have to say hihih. in december I stopped writing blogs because I all got too stressful with school, exams and christmas and everything. but let me give you a little update about what happened in my life. some topics I will go further into detail later. but here a list of all the things that happened from december until now.
celebrated my birthday on the 7th of december
went to copenhagen for a birthday trip that my friend chiara got me for my birthday
my family and boyfriend travelled to odense so we could celebrate christmas together
studied a lot for the exams (was a mess, because everything is so unorganised)
celebrated new years, but then went back to studying the day after
wrote exams
went to switzerland right after exams to surprise my familiy
surprise didn't go that well because my mom had an accident before and had to stay in the hospital for the time I was there
enjoyed my time in switzerland with a lot of quality time with friends
went back to odense in the beginning of february and got back into my routine
my aunt and cousin from spain visited me
university and exams

I really have to get into more detail here. Denmark is known as a social welfare state where university as well as health care is free for everybody (paid by taxes). now I'm not saying that I am not fan of this system, in fact I think this is something worth striving for. but this also comes with disadvantages. these are for example that the university is rather badly organised. some lecturers are not competent and don't know how to teach and even after feedback nothing changes. if you would like for something to improve people will just say "university is free, so you cannot complain". you also don't get insights on how your exams got corrected, so you don't even know what to do to be better. so my conclusion is that it might be for free but you don't get the best experience.

another thing I only noticed now that I got back is that Odense is not really welcoming for internationals. it feels like everywhere you go and especially if people need to switch to english for you, there's almost like a bit of resentment in the air. it almost feels like it's something negative and not appreciated if you're an international instead of it being something exciting and inspiring.
sophie scarf

in the beginning of january I finished knitting my first sophie scarf, the one you can see on the picture. the sophie scarf is designed in Denmark by Petite Knit and I would say most of the women here own one:) now I'm already on my 7th sophie scarf and I love it so much. it's easy and done quickly and in the end you actually have something that looks cute.

food of the week

on the first picture you can see a fastelavnsboller which is a special pastry for carneval. it looked so pretty so I had to try it! it was basically a pastry with rasperry flavored cream on top of it. it looks very sweet but surprisingly wasn't hihihi. secondly for breakfast I had Zopf and Ovo Crunch which when living aboad is such a treat and very special. I really enjoyed that!
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