week twenty-eight
19. february 2024 - 26. february 2024
the weather

to start this weeks blog let's talk about the weather. you know I knew what I was getting myself into when going to denmark for a year but I didn't think that it's going to have that small amount of sun:( honestly at this point it's just cloudy and rainy everday. it is better than in autumn but it's still so cold because of the wind. I am ready for spring I just want some more rays of sun. at least the days are way longer now which is a good thing to start.
my matchas

all the people who know me personally know that matcha is almost like a passion of mine. I love it so so much that's why I of course brought my matcha set with all the utensils. however, and I know this is a first world problem at it's finest, there is no option to boil the water to a certain wanted temperature with the kettle we have at our apartement. and if you infuse the matcha powder with water hotter than 70 degrees celcius the matcha is getting very bitter. on top of that I also did not have a proper milk frother. but in january I brought a milk frother from switzerland and since then I can do my matchas:) I just really have to let the water cool down long enough so the matcha doesn't get bitter. since I started having matcha again I noticed how much it is a ritual of self-care for me and that I'm doing something good for myself.
22.02. - 26.02.
trip to antwerp
with the girls
literally only last week we sponateously booked a trip to antwerp. by we I mean Julia, Alessia, Meret and I. we are currently all on our year abroad and just wanted to meet up and see antwerp. we booked our flights to brussels and rented an airbnb right at the harbour and then really just talked a lot, did a lot of catching up, a lot of shopping, went from cafe to cafe and played endless card games. I feel like we did not go actually look at a lot of things in antwerp but we really soaked in the life and the vibe. it was very relaxing and a lot of fun! I would recommend antwerp, there are many cute food spots and bars, the people are nice and the city is very fashionable.
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Kolya
Photo by Oliver
Photo by Leo
Photo by Paul
Photo by Lea
Photo by Fabrice
Photo by Alex
Photo by Adam
Photo by Arnaud
Photo by Leopold
Photo by Katie
Photo by Tiana
Photo by Mohd
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