anna in denmarkanna, a friend from my home university, came to denmark to visit Julia and I. she's currently studying in leeds and decided to come to denmark for a change. the first day after she arrived we spent in copenhagen and we had such a nice day. we went to the designmarket, had
gasoline grill for lunch, did a boat tour where we could be all by ourselves and lastly had dinner at an italian restaurant called
vespa. the weather was unsettled. one minute the sun was out the other minute it was hailing. but for the boat tour the sun came out again which was perfect! back in odense we spent our days more relaxed and didn't have that much of a programme. it was so nice to have anna here because this feeling of girlhood was so present. we woke up together, cooked together, got ready together, watched movies in my bed, it was just like when I was a kid, when we would do all these things more often. the whole time with her was so comforting and energizing for me! I think this exchange, since we're all doing the year abroad and are struggling with the same things, made us grow so much closer and I'm so grateful for that!