week thirty-four
3. april 2024 - 7. april 2024
doctors appointment / health system

I had a doctors appointment because of a rash on my hands. I have talked about the health system on here before and also mentioned my doubts but now I specifically want to get into the process of going to the doctors. in denmark everyone is health insured by the state and everyone gets the same treatment. so when you call the doctor you have to put in your social security number so when they pick up the phone they already know who you are. when you get to the doctor's office, instead of having to go to the counter and "checking in" you can just scan your insurance card so they know you're here. I had to pick up a cream from the pharmacy and instead of the doctor giving you a prescription on a piece of paper, you go to the pharmacy and scan your insurance card and then the pharmacists can see what was prescribed to you. to me all of this made so much sense and I kind of wish we had such a digitalized system as well.
highlight of the week

I wanted to treat myself with some flowers and therefore wen+t to a flower store. oddly enough I did not find any flowers that I really liked or I didn't like them enough for what they cost. so I though why not just go to the supermarket and buy flowers there. so I went and I saw a bucket of tulips outside the store where it said that they were for FREE?? I have never experienced something like this. so of course I had to get some and I was so happy that I trusted my gut feeling hihihi.
first time sitting outside

on saturday the sun was out and there was no wind so I could sit outside at a café!! of course I went to cafe sølle where else hihihhi. it was so nice to sit outside and drink and iced chai latte for the first time. the days are just really better when it's warm enough to sit in the sun! I loved it!
soap making workshop

on sunday I tried something completely new and that was making organic soap from scratch. all the ingredients can be bought in a grocery store or the pharmacy so it's easier to also make it by yourself at home. for scents we were able to choose from a bunch of essential oils which was so nice! I chose rosemary oil and rose geranium for my soaps and to this day my room smells like that:) I really liked the experience of doing this. it's not that I was very good in doing it but for me it's just about the fact of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things.
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