week thirty-five
8. april 2024 - 14. april 2024
how I am doing mentally

I really really have to say that this semester I'm feeling so much better mentally than the last one. I can't even say what exactly it is but I think it's the fact that I know the city, I have my own routines and daily life, I know how everything works at uni. maybe it's also because the weather is slightly but only slightly better. the fact that I'm travelling so much for sure helps a lot:) but the main reason I would say are the people that I met here. I think I feel much more comfortable around them and I have fun spending my time with them. it really feels great to be here and I'm just very very grateful for everything. also right now, since this whole experience is slowely coming to an end, I am enjoying everything way more but I'm also looking forward to all the things I'm coming back to when I get home.
appreciation for a.c. perch

I have to say it one more time, I promise it's the last hihihi. but this tea place truly has my heart. to me it means so much to go there and try new teas that I otherwise would not have the opportunity to try or I would have to buy a certain amount only to find out if I like it or not. what I also like is that they actually can advise you on the teas and give recommendations. this week I also tried their scones and it was delicious!! this place to me is magical and if I could I would go there every single day and try every tea there is hihihihi

buying flowers in denmark

this week I also found out that buying flowers in denmark is actually very cheap. I bought all of these flowers for 6.50 CHF and they lasted pretty long for supermarket flowers. at supermarkets they also have a pretty huge selection. so I'm definitely getting myself some flowers every now and then because it makes me so happy:) note: I live in a household that doesn't have vases but instead has huge beer glasses so this has to do it:)))))))

danish pizza

my friend invited me for dinner at her place and her danish roommate made pizza from scratch for everyone!! this is some kind of danish pizza which has thinly sliced potatoes, cheese and rosemary and let me tell you this is DELICIOUS!! maybe you don't believe it but it was actually soooo yumm, she also prepared some garlic oil and with that it was even better!

the perfect saturday

on saturday I went thrift shopping with some friends at reshoppit. this place is huge and what I like about it is that it's not completely overwhelming. the racks are properly organised and it's very nice to shopp there. one thing about the danes is that most of them are very stylish, so you can find a lot of great pieces! normally I don't find a lot of clothes that fit me at thrift stores but this time it was different. first of all I took A LOT of clothes to try on thinking more than half of it will not fit me anyway and then everything I tried on fit almost perfectly. but of course I didn't take everything I ended up buying three skirts and one pair of trousers. one of the skirts is a leopard print GANNI skirt for 20CHF ahhhhhhhh (ganni is a danish designer brand, so a cute souvenir). both my friends and I were so lucky with our finds hihihih. after that we decided to go to cafe sølle and because it was so warm we could sit outside. that was a highlight!! I really liked this kind of saturday and I was so happy!!!!
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