week thirteen
13. november 2023 - 19. november 2023
how I am doing mentally

sometimes I felt kinda lonely here. the truth is I have not found people that I clicked with immediately. I also feel like my friends at home set the standard so so high that my expectations for friendships are through the roof. I knew from the beginning that you're most likely not going to make friends for life here but I definitely thought it would be easier to find people with the same interests and values. somestimes I asked myself if it's me, if I shouldn't have these expectations of people or if I didn't try hard enough. but I've been thinking about this a lot the past few weeks and I've come to a conclusion. I would rather be alone, doing my stuff, working on myself and working on the relationships I have at home, than spending my time with people who don't match my energy, who I feel less energized when going home after a meet-up than before. and this is not even personal but just about vibrations that sometimes don't match between people. I just really want to be with people who are interested in me and want to be with me because of me and not only because they're afraid of being alone. it is very tempting to be around people all the time and have a lot of company, I myself wondered if that wouldn't be easier. to maybe just pretend you're having fun or you're feeling good with people just to not be alone. but I know it would go against my own values so badly that I just can't do it. I know from past events that staying true to myself always paid out in the long run. I know I have myself and I can trust my instincts and can always rely on myself. I know I won't make decisions that are not good for me. so if being by myself brings me peace, I will chose this over anything else.

on tuesday evening Julia and I cooked älplermagronen for our spanish friends. let me tell you, I didn't know how much I needed this. it just reminded me of home and switzerland so much. this was just such a comfort meal. also I think first our friends were a bit confused or unsure about the fact that you eat apple sauce with this dish but they ended up liking it. I have to add that neither Julia nor I have ever cooked älpermagaronen before and for that it really really turned out well. we also used swiss gruyere cheese so maybe that was the secret to it. Julia and I both agreed on cooking swiss food more often. I didn't think I would miss it that much but turns out I do.
trip to aarhus

on thursday evening my boyfriend arrived in odense!! and since we wanted to see something new we planned a trip to aarhus from friday to sunday. so on friday we caught the train to aarhus. aarhus is the second largest city in denmark and is located in the western part of the country. it took us 1 1/2 hours to get there so that was very convenient. as for our accomodation we booked this tiny cottage a bit outside the city centre right at the harbor with a nice paronamic view. we unfortunately weren't lucky with the weather on the evenings and on sunday because there was always rain and strong wind. but that made being inside our tiny house even more cozy. this trip was a bit different from other city trips we did, because we took everything a bit more relaxed. we slept in every day and went for late breakfast. we did a lot of shopping especially for marc which I like even more hihih. we also went into a few furniture/design stores and talked about all the things we would like to have in our own appartment one day. moving in together with my boyfriend is one of my goals in the next few years and I already can't wait to have my own little space with him. just walking around those furniture stores together was a very emotional moment for me. to think about this ONE day we won't be away from each other anymore but closer than ever in our own appartment filled my heart with a lot of joy. we also went to the ARoS muesum which exhibits a lot of different art. because it was so cold we drank a lot of hot chocolate with whipped cream, so good for your soul! both of the evenings we ate out and it was very delicious. overall it was such a nice trip and I appreciated the small things the most. like strolls through the streets with all the christmas lights on and my favorite person right beside me.
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