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week one
21. august 2023 - 27. august 2023
how I am doing mentally

I really underestimated this whole thing mentally. I knew that goodbyes are not easy for me and yet the mental load was way heavier than I imagined. it is not only that you leave your home but you also leave your whole support system behind, all the people you love and count on. for me moving in and buying all the furniture was also very tough, because you wanna have it done as soon as possible so that you feel comfortable, which was just stressful. I was mentally so overwhelmed that on Wednesday I got sick. my body said: stop what you're doing and rest. which I then did and it was very much needed. as the week went on I realised how lonely it is to be in a new country and only knowing about four people. since uni didn't start yet it was also difficult to get to know people. all of these feelings sound very negative and I was comtemplating about even writing about this. but my reality of the first week abroad was just like this. I was way too overwhelmed with emotions and feelings that I was not able to appreciate my situation and the privilege I have. but I know that everything is temporary and things will get better. also my friends and my boyfriend really have been the biggest supporters ever, which made it so much easier for me. on Sunday, the most difficult goodbye was yet ahead: saying goodbye to my boyfriend and doing long-distance for the first time. and it was true, it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my whole life. it felt like heartbreak. but the beautiful thing about it is that actually my heart is not broken. I still have him in my life and we're in this together.
my room

I am very happy how my room turned out! I feel very much at home and it's really my safe space. also I purchased a Room In A Box bed which is made out of cardboard and a lot of people were a bit critical about it but I love it. it's very comfortable and feels just like a normal bedframe. marty approved.
the most meaningful thing about my room are the letter boxes. they were a gift from all of my closest friends, my family and boyfriend. my boyfriend asked the most important people in my life to write letters so that I can open a letter each week of my year abroad. it is honestly the most meaningful gift I have ever received and I am so filled with love and joy when I look at these boxes.
my boyfriend

I really do not like to get cheesy on the internet but this time I have to. I have to start by saying that my boyfriend took two weeks off to accompany me through this whole process of moving abroad. he set up most of my furniture for me. he helped me with chores (when it was too overwhelming for me). he cared for me when I was not feeling well. he really did everything he could so I would feel comfortable in my new home. (he bought me this mirror so I could always think of him when I look at it). he cried with me when our emotions took over. I could go on and on. but even though for him all of this was mentally just as hard as for me, he comforted me every single second of the day. he did all of this without ever wanting anything in return. I really could not have done it without him. and I am so grateful that I'm so genuinely loved by this man. *cheesy paragraph ends here*

highlight one
buying those absolutely beautiful posters @emptywallstore
the gold fish just have my heart and I'm filled with joy when I look at them hihi

highlight two
definitely this place called smykbar
there you can make your own necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anklets and belly chains. this place is soo charming and cute. everything was just amazing, the staff, the ambience and the whole experience. we made each other those bracelets and it was a very intimate and beautiful experience we got to share!
highlight(s) of the week
buy or don't buy?
so I of course already did some shopping here hihi. and I came across this beautiful blouse with these puffy sleeves and ever since I tried it I cannot stop thinking about it. what do you think? should I buy it or not? the price is 400 DKK which is about CHF50.
buy or don't buy?
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