week nine
16. ocotber 2023 - 22. october 2023
amsterdam edition
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Leio
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Shifaaz
Photo by Mike
Photo by Jason
Photo by Sven
Photo by Ed
Photo by David
Photo by Hal
trip to amsterdam

this week our uni had fall break so Julia and I had a week off and decided to visit our friend Meret who is currently studying in amsterdam. the trip was very nice and chill. we ate a lot of delicious food and did a lot of shopping hihi. we didn't spend much time in the touristy spots but more a bit outside the city centre. our hotel was located a bit outside the city centre as well so for the days we stayed in amsterdam we rented bikes. the weather was sunny in the beginning of our stay but got rainy, cold and cloudy torwards the end. it was a pleasure to see how Meret's life is going in amsterdam and of course to spend time with her, since I missed her a lot. on friday Julia, Meret and I got ready to go to the airport because Meret was going to fly back to copenhagen with us and stay with us in odense to see and experience how we live.
we were already checked in and waiting at the gate to board our flight when it was announced that our flight got cancelled because they were currently not able to open airport doors at the copenhagen airport due to strong wind. we all looked at each other in disbelief hihihi. but somehow we also didn't mind and started laughing. I mean you can't change the situation anyway. but we thought like where are Julia and I going to stay and when do we have our next flight to copenhagen??? so the first thing we did was to reschedule our flight. the soonest we could get to copenhagen with easyJet was on sunday afternoon. so we immediately booked this flight and then called our moms. because that's just what you do when something happens in your life right?? :))) Julia and I checked with our parents if we have travel insurance and then we called to see if maybe the insurance could come up for our accommodation.
turns out, and that is the fun part, both of us were allowed to use up to CHF 1000 for the nights we had to stay extra in amsterdam. that was brilliant news!!! so we sat in the starbucks at the airport and looked at 4 star hotels in the city centre and finally booked a very nice room in a nice hotel hihiiiii. since it rained the whole day on saturday we already agreed friday evening to just stay in the whole day on saturday. so friday didn't go as planned and Julia and I checked into a 4 star hotel and Meret went back to her own accomodation. on saturday we slept in, went down for hotel breakfast and then immediately went back to bed. in the afternoon Meret stopped by with pizza and in the evening we ordered indian food. we just really enjoyed the comfy bed, the nice food and the fact that we could just relax after the turn of the events. on sunday we were able to catch our flight back to copenhagen and arrived in odense in the evening. all in all this was such a nice trip. we made fun memories and in the end had luck in misfortune.
most fun item that I bought
these 20€ cowboy boots. hear me out! I would love to buy high quality, authentic ones but right now I just don't want to spend that amount of money on boots that I cannot wear every day because they just simply don't match most of my outfits.
new piercing

sponateously I decided to get another ear lobe piercing done. and I love it hihihi. the more the merrier. it's the smallest on the picture and it's between the first and the second but a bit higher up.
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