week four
10. september 2023 - 17. september 2023
how I am doing mentally

this week has been a bit of an up and down. I don't even know why. I couldn't figure out the reasons for the downs but I think it's normal to not always feel the happiest. the ups on the other hand were small moments of gratitude and joy. like a bike ride in the sun with my favorite artist Rosalía in my ears. or that I met very nice people that are fun to be with! I think to get on a higher vibration in general I will start to write down three things each day that I'm grateful for. I used to do that and it helped me a lot develop a certain level of joy !
Photo by Kolya
Photo by Oliver
Photo by Paul
Photo by Lea
Photo by Fabrice
Photo by Alex
the copenhagen trip

from Sunday until Monday my friend Julia and I went to Copenhagen by flix bus (going by flix bus is half the price as going by train) the weather was great and the city has just sooo much to offer! first of all the food was AMAZING! one place better than the other. the dishes were very delicious and the ambience, the vibe and the aesthetics made the whole experience even better. the only thing

is that in these places the prices are the same as in Zurich or sometimes even higher. we also did a lot of shopping hihi. I finally found a pair of low waist jeans that fit me!!! I bought stunning silver earrings and a few more things. all in all the trip turned out very expensive but we also didn't hold back especially with the food! I loved it so much! Copenhagen really is my favorite city and I can't wait to be back! by the way all the cafés and restaurants we went to are now listed on my Instagram in my Copenhagen guide :)
me knitting in the sun at the river in Odense
my new hobby

believe it or not but I started knitting! it is just something very calming to do and at the end you actually have something to wear or use. I decided to knit a skinny scarf made with marino wool yarn and cashmere yarn. this whole process also challenges my patience since I'm normally not good at things that take a long time to make. I will keep you updated :)
the city odense

I noticed that I never really talked about the city I live in and how it is. so here are my thoughts. I am still very surprised by what this small city has to offer. it is so so adorable and cute. the houses and building are so beautiful almost everywhere you go. it's all in the same style so everything seems very neat. the river and many beautiful parks make it possible to be surrounded by nature quick. there are many good restaurants to eat which provide just the right ambience. the cafés are really cute and cozy and the food is of good quality almost everywhere. the prices are sometimes almost half the price compared to Copenhagen. what I really like and what I noticed right away is that there are just less people everywhere. of course on a saturday the shopping street is full of people but other than that there are just less people which can be so calming. in comparison to Copenhagen it's just so much calmer and relaxed here. if you know me, you know I would have loved to study in Copenhagen but finally I have to say that Odense has the best of both worlds. it is way cheaper than Copenhagen and it also offers cute cafés, delicious food and a very very beautiful architecture. so if you need a reason to visit Odense, let this be your sign!
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