my literal partner for this life experience. my roommate. my home and my family. my dear friend. I have never really managed to tell you how much this whole experience means to me and how much it means to me that I got to do this with you. hopefully when writing I can express every single emotion I feel a little bit better! just for all the others: when julia and I arrived in odense and started living together we knew each other but were not very close. we obviously went through the same thing (being in a new country, where everything is new) which in the beginning I think was not easy for both of us. also I think I'm allowed to say this that living together, seeing each other everyday and having the exact same schedule in uni posed challenges for both of us. challenges we were willing to overcome, even though it was not always easy. however through this whole time we knew we were in the same situation and I personally believe we were put there to help grow each other and learn. and that's what we did. I am so grateful for all the conversations we shared about our mental health, our relationship, talking about situations that did not go well but also talking about life and literally everything else. looking back I know how much I grew as a person, but I can also see how much you did. and I am really really proud of ourselves for doing so. I am thankful that I got to grow so much because of you. I learnt sooo many new things.
you inspired me to cook more often and try different things. cooking with you was ACTUALLY fun. you showed me different approaches on life and that being spontaneous is actually quite fun. you showed me so much love with bringing me tea, cooking dinner for me, taking over the parts I hate cleaning, and many more things I honestly don't even deserve. you were the reason why our flat felt like home. you were my home. and living with you was always always a great pleasure!! I loved coming into your room and just start a conversation or cuddle up next to you in your bed. I loved how you fell asleep every. single. time. when we tried to watch a movie. I love how you always needed your sweet treat after a meal and that it made you the happiest girl in the world. I love how we have the same social battery and would almost never get tired of each other. it often were the small things that made me feel so safe and comfortable. knowing that you would always be in the room next to me and whenever I would need someone to talk to or just a hug or someone to lift my mood I had you there, this made me feel so secure. I just really loved living with you!! and I already miss it! I could have never imagined that when leaving odense the one thing I can take home with me is this genuine and loving friendship. I am so so so grateful for how our relationship evolved and that I got to experience this with you. you were my hardest goodbye and I'm beyond happy that while I'm writing this I got you back already!