week forty
13. may 2024 - 20. may 2024
how I am doing mentally
puuhhh, honestly this one is a hard one. lately I have been feeling a lot of different emotions very intensely and I try to sort them but it is almost impossible. this week was the first week that I felt really really homesick. when my boyfriend left, all I wanted to do was to go with him. on monday after he left I fell sick immediately and had to stay home on monday and tuesday, my body could not handle it anymore. I realized that I struggle a lot with balancing my two lifes, the one that I have here and my other one back home, specifically my relationship with my boyfriend. it is so hard to be present and in the moment in both places. it is also emotionally challenging, because I want to enjoy every last moment here but I'm also feeling all these emotions I have towards my life at home. and these are that I miss everyone and everything very much! I think there were many moments where it was

just easier to block out emotions like homesickness or that I miss everyone so dearly, but now that my stay is coming to an end they intensified. on the other hand I'm also really sad about leaving and I'm thinking about all the things I will not have anymore once I'm back in Switzerland. I'm overwhelmed by emotions and it's an emotional rollercoaster, but I am grateful that I can feel so deeply and leave room for my emotions. it's just hard to figure out what to do about it and if I even need to do something about it. I also felt some kind of nostalgia for the first time. for the first time I looked back and thought of all the things that were nice but also all the tough parts and it made me very emotional. right now I just keep telling myself that there's nothing I can change about the situation, I will enjoy the last weeks here and when it's time to go then I will be sad of course, but also excited to go home.
how fortunate am I to leave a place that I will miss so much but also return to a place that is overflowed with love and joy?

picnic at the harbor

on wednesday I felt better again, so Julia and I decided to go have a picnic at the harbor. and honestly these spontaneous evenings are just my favorite. we bought a lot of yummy food and ate at the harbor while the sun was setting. it was so nice, just the two of us, a lot of comfort and nice talks. I'm so grateful for how our friendship evolved and how evenings like these become core memories so easily. I loved everything about this and it was exactly what I needed.

matcha at a.c. perch

for the first time since my stay here I managed to go to a.c. perch to drink a matcha. I really really wanted to do that before leaving so I did. it was matcha tea and it cost me almost CHF 10, which is a lot but it was also of really good quality. so happy that I got to try this here hihihihi.

a thing I love about denmark

this I will definitely miss when I go back to switzerland. it's the fact that NO ONE judges you here unless you do something that really harms other people. but people here are so unbothered so you can do whatever you want without having to be ashamed or people looking at you in a weird way. no one really cares and I think that also has a lot to do with the way they live here. they are not stressed AT ALL and just take things as they come. you will never see a person hurry because everyone is just so relaxed and minds their own business and I LOVE that. I wish swiss people were more like that, because it seems to work!

my last trip to copenhagen and my first time travelling only by myself

I decided to do this trip, because I wanted to go to copenhagen one last time and be able to do whatever I wanted to. this was also the most fun thing about solo travelling because you could just do your own thing. I rented an airbnb in the cutest street (see picture below), which was located very well and that made the whole trip very nice. on the first day I went to all the stores that I wanted to visit for a last time and ate gasoline grill for the last time. I would always carry my book with me, so I could read everywhere I went. I also did a lot of people watching which I love. this evening I had a reservation at a restaurant and I'm telling you that was tough. honestly the moment of taking that solo trip was maybe also not the greatest because I already felt SO homesick and also a little bit anxious, so that meant being with my thoughts all alone for 3 whole days. so I'm being honest, going to that restaurant alone and especially seeing couples dining together made me tear up many times (see picture below). I read while eating dinner and it was pretty okay, the food was very nice. I also have to add that the days were not the problem. I could easily go a day only by myself, but the evenings always felt super lonely. thank god I could always call my boyfriend and he would give me company <3 the weather was THE greastest ever. I have never been to copenhagen and had such amazing and warm weather. I am so happy that I got to experience that! on the second day I went to flea markets which was amazing and I went up on a tower that is on a bridge and I read there with a view and enjoyed the sun. in the evening I booked a yoga class at kailo yoga which was very nice and calming. on my last day I met a friend and we ate breakfast together and after that I went tanning at the water and another friend joined me afterwards!!
I will say it was a very interesting experience especially with all my emotions, because I was also REALLY sad leaving copenhagen. but it was worth a try, I will probably do this again but not anytime soon:)
on my way home I also realized that it was the last time that I drove over the bridge (see picture below) that connects sealand (where copenhagen is on) with fyn (where odense is located) which also made me emotional.
tanning spot
tanning spot
breakfast at andersen & maillard with sarah
breakfast at andersen & maillard with sarah
calling my boyfriend during the sunset
calling my boyfriend during the sunset
yoga @ kailo
yoga @ kailo
view from the culture tower on the bridge
view from the culture tower on the bridge
dinner by myself at bar pasta
dinner by myself at bar pasta
felt so lonely this evening
felt so lonely this evening
my favorite place in copenhagen: at the lakes
my favorite place in copenhagen: at the lakes
the street where my airbnb was located, so cute:)
the street where my airbnb was located, so cute:)
pistacio croissant
pistacio croissant
the bridge between sealand and fyn
the bridge between sealand and fyn
my love letter to cph
I am overwhelmed with emotions. I am so sad to leave you and everything that makes you so special. on the other hand I'm grateful to get to know you so well and for all the memories I have made. I visited you so many times with my dearest people, my family and closest friends. I have seen you in all your seasons and colors. with sun and rain, wind, and hail, snow and everything else there is. I feel so lucky that I got to see so many differnet parts of you. the pretty houses, the lakes, the bridges, the parks, the cutest neighborhoods and of course all the restaurants and cafés. you have everything to offer (except for hillls hihihih).

I am truly impressed by all the food I have eaten. there are so many different places and almost evertything just hits!! there was not a single time where the food was not delicious. most of the time it is just excellent!! I don't even have to start talking about the cafés and the breakfast culture. I am in LOVE with the whipped butter you get everywhere and the bread that is mostly sourdough. the best part is how aesthetically pleasing EVERY. SINGLE. café is. and not only the cafés also the restaurants as well as also the people. I feel so so inspired by this city and the people that are just living their best life and dress and do whatever they

want! I could always genuinely be myself. copenhagen you made me thrive!! no one would ever judge you for anything you do, so I would do my silly little outfits videos without feeling ashamed. even though you're such a big city, the concept of slow living is noticeable at all times. this healed my soul to some extent!
you have been so so so great to me and I will always be excited to return! you are my favorite city ever and it will need a lot to convince me otherwise. I can't wait to be back and until then I will cherish you in my memories and keep on feeling inspired by everything you've tought me!
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