week five
18. september 2023 - 24. september 2023
how I am doing mentally

so everytime a friend or family member asks how I feel I tell them I'm fine or I'm good which is true but there is something that somehow drains me a little bit. so back when I was still in Switzerland and before I came here I felt joyful and at peace most of the time. knowing that I could meet my friends any time, seeing my boyfriend almost every day and of course having my family by my side made me feel so at peace and left me with so much joy every single day! also I had my hobbies, my routines and so many other things that brought me joy. I always was just on such a positive and high vibration that a lot of things wouldn't bother me because I was just so happy and thriving. now that I'm here I have to find this joy and peace in my life and within myself again. until now it just didn't feel like I found it neither could I create it. so right now life here is okay but it's just not as fullfilling as I know life can be. that's why maybe things like uni, that are not so much fun, influence my mood more negatively than they would at home. I know I have to be patient and trust myself that I will get back on this higher vibration. so to start I really want to practice gratitude every day, I know that this will help me. and as one of my dear friends told me for now I can also be just proud of myself for mastering each week the way I do. because it still is a big change and I'm only in the beginning of this journey. I also want to add that this should not be complaining in any way. I am really grateful to have this opportunity and all I want is to share my honest thoughts and feelings on here. also I don't want anyone to worry about me because like I said I'm really doing okay!
we were ready!
fail of the week

maybe some of you remember that I said I will definitely be back at storms the food hall to play bingo. so on monday we planned to go there with a big friend group. one of the girls asked before going if the numbers will also be announced in english. we didn't know so we just went and thought it wouldn't be a big deal for the organisator to just say the numbers in english as well. turned out it was. we politely asked but he said that it would take too long to say all the numbers in english which to this day still doesn't make sense to me. anyway some of the girls tried to play it and guess the numbers in danish but it was impossible. so no bingo for all of us. we then instead just enjoyed the delicious food and had very nice conversations. so it ended up being a very nice and chill evening!
observation I want to share

you know how I only drink tea. and I'm a bit picky with tea because I only like it if it's of good quality and many cafés just don't offer that. but most of the cafés offer chai latte or sometimes even matcha latte. now my experience with matcha latte has been suprisingly good. but my experience with chai latte has been the worst. normally it's the other way around! every café offers chai latte but they ALL have the same powder mix which is soooo intensely sweet. for me that makes these chai lattes very unenjoyable. my tip: don't order a chai latte here:)
highlight of the week

Julia and I spontaneously decided to go eat sushi on a random tuesday night and it honestly was just the comfort I needed. it was raining outside and the restaurant had this calm and warm ambience. the restaurant was very very chic and the food was amazing. it cost about the same as in Switzerland but it was so worth it. the one thing I love the most about sushi restaurants is that they always have a great selection of tea and they not only bring you a cup but a whole tea pot. it still fills my heart with joy when I think about this evening!

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