week eleven
30. october 2023 - 5. november 2023
how I am doing mentally

the temperature dropped this week, so it's officially time to wear my winter coat. the cold weather in addition to the christmas lights being installed this week really got me in christmas mood. and I'm not mad about it. I also drank my first hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmellows this season and I loved it! this is going to be my go to drink hihih. I'm really relaxed and looking forward to everything that is happening in the next few weeks! for almost all my weekends until the end of semester I have plans already made because of visits from my family/friends and also uni stuff I have to catch up on. I would say right now I'm in a very happy state and just really excited for what's coming:))

recommendation of the week

one of the reasons why I'm doing well for sure is the meditation that I started doing almost every day now. I do guided meditations with the app Balance. they offer you a one year free trial and you can try out all their meditations. you can do all different kinds from wake up and sleep to energizing, motivating meditations but also anxiety, pain and frustration meditations and more. so really a lot! I just feel a lot more centered when I start my day with a meditation and I just wanted to let you know this opportunity exists:))
what I miss about switzerland

we all know that once you're away from things you miss them much more.
so here are things that I never thought I would miss but I actually do!
  • the mountains or at least something that's a bit higher than just a hill
  • high quality, yum sausages aka st. galler bratwurst
  • vermicelle
  • stocki
  • roasted chestnuts aka heissi marroni
  • raclette
  • zweifel chips
  • zopf
  • a good chai latte to go from vicafe
a small thing that made me happy this week

there's a small stand at the main street in the city centre that sells candied almonds. so for the first time this season I bought some candied almonds (brännti mandle) and it was just soooo delicious. I love it so much and it reminded me of switzerland somehow. since they don't sell roasted chestnuts here, it was nice to at least have this:)
j-dag, the day the christmas beer sales start

I think christmas is a bigger thing here in denmark than in switzerland. I can tell because all the christmas decorations and lights got installed this week and christmas beers are now available to buy:) on friday the 3.11. was j-dag, where almost every bar and pub nationwide start to sell christmas beers. the first beers get sold at 8.59 pm. christmas beer is just beer with a little bit of christmas spices or a bit sweet/fruity taste and they contain more alcohol than a normal beer. all the danish beer brands come up with their own juleøl (christmas beer), which can also be bought in supermarkets. on this day everyone is out on the streets going from bar to bar. so we did that too. I went to get my first christmas beer in a pub, where we had to queue to get in, that's how many people there were. honestly I don't like beer very much so this christmas beer wasn't my thing either. it was okay because it was a little bit fruity but to me nothing special. after the pub we went to a student house, that's a place where a lot of events take place. that's also where we got our santa hats hihih. the evening was so much fun. I don't think it was because of the event itself but because of the people we spent the evening with. now I'm definitely in christmas mood and I think that's a good thing because then the actual christmas time is not as stressful:)
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