by Jay Shetty
8 rules of love
"how you handle your differences is more important than finding your similarities." — Jay Shetty
8 rules of love - I would very much recommend this book. what I loved about it is that i covers all the stages of love, to find it, keep it and let it go. that's why for me, now that I've read it, it makes much sense to read the sections when you need it most. the start of the book was a bit harsh for me because I was heaving a hard time continuing to read. it might be because in the first chapter of the book it's all about preparing to find love, which is of course very important and interesting and also taught me a lot of things, but since I'm in a relationship now it was not what I was looking for. there are always sections where Jay would give you excercises to try, whether if it's with your partner or just for yourself. I love how I could easily apply the advice and trainings and learn something new from almost every page of the book. readability of the book is very good and once I got past the chapter of preparing for love I got into some kinda flow. like in every book which is trying to teach you something and talks about mindsets and values there are things which you don't 100% share the same opinion. I had that with this book torwards the end on two topics, but I think that is very normal and not everything that is written in a book must be your reality or set of value.

what mental state was I in while reading the book?
I definitely was ready to learn new things about relationships and really wanted to apply all those tips and ideas in my own relationship. so I was here for it and motivated. this made it pleasant to read. I would recommend to be open to try the tasks and be ready to also reflect and talk about what you read.
things that resonated with me
to find it
to keep it
to let it go
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